Do You Know Why React Native is a Good Choice for Startups?

Do You Know Why React Native is a Good Choice for Startups?

From a startup POV, working on the core services and giving the best customer experience is the goal to become a successful entity. With the advancement of technology, smartphones have prevailed in convenience and generated millions of opportunities and recognitions for big brands such as Facebook, Uber Eats, Shopify, and Pinterest, and the list continues to grow. 

But do you know? The one thing that remains common in these big companies is their choices in hiring the right mobile app development company and employing React Native App Development Framework in their startup projects.  

But why React Native is a suitable option for startups? And why did top companies trust the React Native framework? As per the tech experts, the app development framework provides high-quality cross-platform apps alongside an intuitive UI experience that gives a natively complied look and feel to an application. 

Due to this reason, 54% of app developers prefer React Native app development services in 2023 and consider it the future of app development in 2024 and beyond. Not just that, to date, the open-source framework has created 45 thousand plus business apps including gaming applications. 

All of this truly defines why startups should merge with React Native app development. However, to contribute more to React Native, we’ve assembled a list of facts and factors that resonate with our today’s topic: Why is React Native a Good Choice for Startups?

Let’s start by helping you identify the factors that make your startup company a big hit, following some pros and cons that are suitable for you to know whether or not should you go with the said framework. 

What are the factors that determine a startup’s success? 

Every startup has its own identity and is influenced by various factors. Therefore, we’ve tried adding the most important and common factors that contribute to the success of a startup’s app development:

  1. A startup should be well-versed in its market research and know its target audience that is looking for the services you are willing to provide and match the preferences of the potential customers. 
  2. A startup must craft a strong UVP (Unique Value Proposition) that defines your business clearly and addresses why users should choose you over competitors. 
  3. It is essential to bring vibrancy and intuitive UI/UX design services into an application to get a hold of the user’s attention. Therefore, startups should first consult a mobile app development company, and inquire about what can and what may not entice users. 
  4. Users need a faster-running application that is not only high-performance but also reliable. A startup must regularly test and optimize its app to ensure fast loading times, minimal bugs, and a smooth user experience. 
  5. Ensure that your app includes scalability. Confirm that your app’s infrastructure can handle heavy traffic in the application without compromising performance. Continue reading– How to improve performance of a React Naive app. 
  6. Include monetization strategies in your startup app that address what your users need and the nature of your app such as in-app purchases, subscriptions, advertisements, or an amalgamation of everything. 
  7. Being a startup, the best way to understand where your application is headed is by employing feedback and rating functionality. This will contribute to future enhancements, addition of features, and fixing issues faced by users that will result in making you popular. 

Other than these pointers, a startup firm must ensure security, privacy, network and partnerships, financial management, 24*7 customer support, and a continuous adaptation of what’s trending. 

Here’s an example of getting started with startup app recognition immediately. 

“LinkedIn has recently started promoting its Contribution channel. Here, contributors can share their knowledge and experiences with the community simply by answering questions from the list of LinkedIn Contributions available on the platform with the category they belong to.” 

This enables visibility, and, if you contribute regularly, you might get a badge for it. This badge will be added to your LinkedIn profile (So people can see how talented your startup company is). 

React Native Framework is Suitable for Startup When..

  • If the startup needs both iOS and Android app development with limited development cost and time, React Native is an excellent choice being a cross-platform framework. 
  • If the startup lacks a strong development team and resources, React Native app development services have the potential to share a significant amount of code between iOS and Android apps. 
  • If the startup company is already familiar with web technologies such as React.js, they can continue their app development in React Native. 
  • If the startup requires a quick prototyping and customization of their app idea. React Native has a feature called Hot Reloading that allows developers to tweak code within a fraction of a minute during development. 
  • React Native app development has a huge open-source community that serves plenty of resources, libraries, and third-party modules, that might benefit start companies whenever they need community support and solutions to common problems. 

React Native Framework is Not Suitable for Startups When..

  • If the app requires highly specialized native functionality that is not well-supported by existing React Native modules, it might be more practical to opt for native development. 
  • For apps with extremely high-performance requirements, such as complex graphics rendering or resource-intensive processes, native development might offer better performance compared to React Native. 
  • If the app heavily relies on specific platform APIs that are not well-supported or easily accessible in React Native, native development may be a more suitable choice. 
  • If the startup plans to maintain the app for the long term and requires immediate access to new platform features with each release, native development might be more appropriate. 
  • If the startup already has a substantial amount of native code written in Swift (iOS) or Kotlin/Java (Android), transitioning to React Native may introduce complexities and potential challenges. 
  • For startups dealing with sensitive data or operating in industries with strict security and compliance requirements, native development may offer better control over security features.

Keep reading 6 crucial factors to React Native VS Native performance.

Now, Why is React Native a Good Choice for Startups? Let’s find it out! 

Why is React Native the Framework for Startups?

In this section, we are going to elaborate why react native app development services for startups is beneficial. 

1. Lower Development Cost

As a startup, the first concerning factor in building an application is- How much will React Native app development cost? Depending on the app type and features, a React Native app development company provides quotation that are usually affordable as it involves cross-platform app development facet in the process that requires only a single codebase to develop app that runs on both iOS and Android devices. 

2. Connect With Plenty of Talented Developers:

We’ve already mentioned the popular developer statistics in this blog. While that’s something, one should also know why React Native is so popular? It is because React Native is built upon JavaScript programming language. Which is according to Stack Overflow’s Developer survey known by 70% of the developers. 

Another reason is React, a very famous framework amidst developers, in which the React Native app development framework is built. So this clarifies that React Native includes plenty of talented developers. 

3. Faster Time To Market

Being in an already-established market, startups may find it difficult to stand out quickly in front of the audiences. However, with React Native app development company, you get a chance to not just sketch out your app idea in a tidy manner but also get to develop, deploy, and launch instantly in the market, so that your users find you well on time. 

In fact, React Native apps runs faster than native apps. One such example is: Build a mobile app in 10 days using React Native, where developers can develop an entirely new React Native application with minimal efforts. 

4. Extends Support to Third-Party Plugins

React Native is well-known for its infusion of third-party plugins that supports additional features and functionality available on the third-party plugins. This support includes native and JavaScript modules such as camera and GPS, which enable mobile app developers to access ative functionality seamlessly, which are otherwise unavailable. React Native also allows developers to use the code and language that is not present in the framework. 

5. Reusable UI Components

Gone are the days when developers had to write a complete different code for similar looking iOS and Android apps. Today, building React Native apps is easy as you can start from already-defined components that appears in the app such as reusable blocks and paste it in many places without spending time on writing a new code, thus saving your money and maximizing coding efficiency

6. Stability 

React Native framework keeps changing and evolving for good. Therefore, with the constant version updates, the framework continues to remain stable and better for businesses and developers. It’s recent 0.73 version has already won many developers hearts and has made React Native the most sought after mobile and web development framework across the globe. 

Why is DianApps a Good React Native App Development Company for your Startup?

We know that every startup has its own unique requirements and qualities that needs a proper roadmap to become a success. DianApps is a dedicated React Native app development company that create high-performing mobile apps for startups with an intent to connect your target audience in a safe and sound atmosphere. This also means including intuitive designs, infrastructure, and wealth of experience in the app development. 

Hire React Native developers from DianApps to take your startup business to the next level within no time. 

That’s a Wrap

We are sure that you now know why React Native makes a good choice for the startup companies. With time, the framework will grow further and become the most promising app development platform in the cross-platform app development market. 

While that’s that, selecting a good React Native app development company is a challenge. However, with a thorough understanding of the market demand and your business objectives, you can find yourself the ultimate solution provider that will help you in accelerating your startup to becoming a big fat company.


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