Why Hire Flutter Developers from DianApps in 2024

hire flutter developers

Why Hire Flutter Developers from DianApps in 2024

The Flutter app development framework has groundbreaking opportunities for developers looking to find great experiences in mobile app development projects. As per the last two years’ market report, the open-source community has over 2 million Flutter developers across the globe. The numbers are expected to grow even further in 2024 and beyond. 

How are we so sure? Well with the framework’s constant version development and updates such as the recent 3.16, it becomes clear that Flutter will remain a secure and highly popular framework for developers, small businesses, and large organizations. 

Therefore it is now pretty evident that hiring a Flutter developer for your app project is a must. But how do you find a suitable Flutter app developer in this competitive market space? 

Can it be any easier? We say yes! 

DianApps is considered the top flutter app development company that has a team of talented developers who can be a perfect fit for your business project. How are we so confident? 

 In the blog post, you will discover everything about Flutter alongside of our way of developing an application. So that you know why you should hire a Flutter developer with us!

Let’s get started!

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a Google-incepted open-source UI toolkit that serves as a cross-platform app development framework. This means Flutter can build an app for different devices and platforms with the help of deploying a single code-base. Pretty cool right? 

Furthermore, Flutter app development enables developers to give custom app development services to its users with the help of its SDK library.

Now, let’s have a look at some of the popularity stats of Flutter.

Popularity Stats of Flutter  

  • According to the 2023 survey, flutter is considered one of the most highly recognized cross-platform frameworks with a total of 2 million app developers using the technology. 
  • As of now, 85% of mobile app developers are building apps for multiple cross-platform app development concurrently.
  • 90% of the overall open-source community confirms that the Flutter app development services give a better user experience. 
  • Many top-class brands such as Google Ads, BMW, Toyota, Alibaba, etc have built their business apps using Flutter development solutions. 
  • Flutter currently accounts for 25,000 packages that are free to use and experiment for the developers.

Why Should Startups Consider Flutter For Mobile App Development

key features of flutter

  • Code Once, Use Everywhere

Flutter takes the clutter out by providing you with a single codebase. Programmers can write the code that will run on both Android as well as iOS platforms seamlessly. 

  • Increased Time-To-Market Speed

Do you know why is time reduction so important in the app development process? Because it is a decisive factor in determining the success of a product. It is apparent the necessities people are experiencing today will change after a few months. So the fundamental idea of an application can disappear if one does not act on it as quickly as possible. That’s why being fast is the key to becoming a strong competitor.

The apps built with Flutter can be launched speedily and adapt to the changing necessities of the user reliably. 

  • Growing Community Support

Flutter’s popularity is continuously growing with time and so is its community. In case the programmers face any kind of challenges during the development process, then they can simply go through community support to get their queries resolved.  

  • Flutter Is Future

Another reason why developers feel confident to stay put at using Flutter app development is due to the constant alterations and upgradation to even better technology services. Today, Flutter uses IoT, AR/VR services, AI, and so much more to make lives easier for developers and give ample opportunities to market applications.  

Therefore, Flutter has great potential to grow shortly.

  • High-Performance

Many factors are responsible for the overall performance of an application. In the case of Flutter, these factors include CPU usage, number of requests per second, number of frames per second, and many more. 

Flutter offers a 60fps or 20fps performance on every device if they have 120hz updates. As a result, the app screen will display a smooth picture and provide a high performance. 

  • Support For Desktop & Web 

Flutter is no longer only limited to mobile app development. With the latest release of Flutter 3.0, it now offers stable support for desktop and web applications. This also uses the same codebase to build web apps.  

  • Ideal For Building MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Do you know what is the main reason why businesses (especially startups) choose MVP development? The idea behind MVP is to develop a version of your app which shows your app’s unique features. 

In a nutshell, MVP acknowledges business owners to validate their idea, gather feedback, and identify customer needs. 

Flutter is a powerful SDK that is best for building an MVP. Being an open-source framework, it complements MVP development to a great extent. 

  • Hot-Reload Feature

The Flutter app development services use a Hot-Reload and Restart functionality during the application development. It enables developers to tweak or make changes in any particular session of the application code without compromising or disrupting the other code written. And quickly allows you to oversee the changes.

To add more, Flutter app developers can also experiment with different UI designs or re-create any design from scratch anytime they want while seeing the changes quickly

  • Flutter’s Headless Testing Framework

Flutter has a headless testing framework that allows you to test the app on devices without a UI. This is best for automated testing of your app. Now, let’s understand how this headless testing framework works.

The headless testing framework is based on the dart:ui library which provides low-level access to the Flutter engine. The framework uses this library to drive a test suite on a device without a UI. 

Moreover, it does not require a simulator or emulator which means you can run the tests on real devices and catch the errors that only occur on specific devices. Additionally, these tests are run in isolation and they perform very fast. 

  • Widgets In Flutter

Flutter’s widgets are very convenient and are well-appreciated for providing enhanced performance to any mobile application. Let’s have a look at some of the popular material widgets and Cupertino components in the Flutter widget library. 

Cupertino Action Sheet: It is a pre-built widget that allows you to create iOS-style action sheets. Also, it supports features such as title, message, and cancel buttons. 

Material Button: It is also a pre-built widget that provides features such as elevation, ripple effect, and text labels. 

MaterialApp: This widget is built upon a WidgetApp by adding material design-specific functionality. And it helps to create an application environment.  

AppBar: It is a material design-specific widget that is placed at the top of an app using the scaffold’s appBar property. 

Cupertino App: It is a Cupertino-specific widget that creates an application environment similar to MaterialApp. But with support for gestures and features from iOS. 

Cupertino Navigation Bar: It is also a Cupertino-specific widget that is used to create a navigation bar. 

Also Read: Top Flutter State Management Libraries. 

Popular Companies That Are Using Flutter App Development 

  • Alibaba Group

Alibaba group scales China’s largest second-hand marketplace with Flutter. 

When their team wanted to improve their user experience by developing an app that was consistent across multiple platforms, had beautiful graphics, and still loaded fast, they switched to Flutter.  

  • BMW

The My BMW App was launched by using Flutter app development services in July 2020. This has established itself in 47 countries on 5 continents as a universal interface providing the user a seamless experience between mobile phones, vehicles, and the digital world. 

  • ByteDance

For the first real-world test, ByteDance used Flutter to build an educational app. This application was designed to help children learn to write Chinese characters with a stroke-tracking feature. 

Also, they are not only using Flutter for their mobile apps but also to optimize apps for web, desktop, and embedded platforms. 

  • Dream11 

Dream11’s developer team decided to use Flutter for cross-platform app development that delivers an innovative user experience both on Android and iOS mobile devices. 

Why You Should Hire Flutter Developers From DianApps

  • Design & Develop apps

Their Flutter developer helps to develop and design even a complex mobile app in less time period. With their expertise, they can incorporate critical features in the app seamlessly. 

  • Write Clean & Consistent Code

Only a skilled developer can write consistent code that is readable and comprehensive. This clean code automatically fastens the development process, enabling developers to spend less time on its operations. 

  • Build Apps In Accordance With The Latest Trends

In order to stay ahead of the competition, you need to follow all the latest trends that are emerging in the industry. Their Flutter developers build unique and innovative mobile apps by leveraging all the latest technologies. 

  • Optimize The Development Process According To The Feedback

This is the step where both technical and non-technical abilities come together. Communication is a core skill, especially in the optimizing process. The Flutter developers optimize the development process and provide the best outcome via different methodologies.

  • Designing The App 

Application design is a top role of the Flutter developer. Their Flutter developers understand the logic behind any app design and then execute the app development process accordingly.

Furthermore, this part is also connected with the optimization process that could save time and effort for the entire team. 

  • Bug Fixing

QA engineers are responsible for the testing of an application. They conduct several tests to detect bugs or malfunctions after finishing the production of each feature.  


To conclude, DianApp’s extensive team of Flutter developers is available to help you with developing and maintaining a mobile application. Hence, if you are looking for a reliable and experienced mobile app development company, then Flutter developers from DianApps are the perfect choice for your business. 

So, contact them through their official website to start your app development journey now!

FAQs Hire Flutter Developers from DianApps

Yes, Flutter can be used to add new features and modules to your existing native Android and iOS applications. 

Flutter is a fantastic web development tool that is extremely compatible with today’s web content. Moreover, it is the best platform for building web applications like PWAs or SPAs. 

Flutter can be integrated into your existing native application as a library or module. 

This module or library can be imported into your Android or iOS app to render a part of your app’s UI in Flutter.

The costs completely depend on the complexity of your project. On average, the cost to hire Flutter developers with DianApps ranges between $30 to $50 on an hourly basis. These rates will vary depending on the expertise and experience of the Flutter developer. 

No, Flutter is not a programming language. It is an SDK (software development kit) that is used for cross-platform app development.


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