TeleHealth innovations and trends coming in 2023!

TeleHealth innovations and trends

TeleHealth innovations and trends coming in 2023!

2023 is around the corner which means that innovations are expected to drive in every possible industry. While the majority of the major obstacles are still in the way! Future developments in healthcare technology are anticipated to result in new, astounding capabilities and tactical advances.

According to experts, the need for telehealth applications boomed after the crisis of COVID-19 and reached 25% of overall healthcare app downloads. Apart from this, another report of a FAIR Health review of 2020 insurance claims showed a 3,060% increase in telemedicine over 2019 claims. Therefore, if not yet, then planning for developing a telehealth application can never go wrong in terms of business progress and also bring convenience to your healthcare patients. 

To put some light on the telehealth business, The US telehealth business is expanding quickly; by 2026, it is anticipated that the country’s healthcare output would be worth up to 6 trillion USD. It’s never too late to get ready for the many available healthcare possibilities. Make sure to use digital technology to increase revenue, and staff productivity, achieve better financial results, and improve patient care.

This article will examine the top mobile app healthcare trends and medical technology developments and changes anticipated for the healthcare industry in the near future. Instead of treating illnesses in their advanced stages, the main emphasis is on improving the quality and accessibility of healthcare services.

If you want to turn your medical practice into a high-yielding, future-proof business machine in 2023, you must familiarise yourself with the hottest telehealth technologies and pinpoint your areas for future development.

Let’s get started! 

The Upcoming Trends & Innovations in Telehealth in 2023! 

New AI applications and concerns of the medical community

One of the health information technology trends that are expanding most quickly: Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has advanced quickly in recent years, and this trend will persist in 2023. Among the various sectors that gain from AI, medicine mostly uses it for accurate illness diagnosis and detection, albeit this is not the only use. One of the AI systems for business and telehealth, for instance, is IBM Watson (including custom medical software solutions).

Let’s examine the benefits AI may provide the healthcare sector and related businesses, as well as how it can eventually overtake other health tech trends.

Telehealth, AKA Telemedicine

The emergence of the worldwide pandemic that led to COVID-19 infections prompted the closure of significant economic sectors and had a significant influence on medical procedures and developments in healthcare technology. To avoid spending time in a waiting area with persons who may be infected, many patients canceled their appointments. They also avoided face-to-face interactions with staff members at the front desk, nurses, and physicians.

So, as a method to still allow doctors to see patients, although, in a restricted capacity, telehealth usage expanded. Telemedicine will increasingly be used, according to experts. Healthcare Dive reported that between 2020 and 2023, the cost of medical services incorporating telehealth might increase by 265%, from $29 billion to $106 billion. Researchers in the business believe that the majority of people who would use telehealth sessions with their healthcare providers are individuals who have chronic diseases.

Monitoring Patients from Remote

The capacity to remotely monitor your patients is a crucial technological area to keep in mind. On-demand healthcare services will undoubtedly enhance patient outcomes in the future as the healthcare sector continues to swiftly evolve.

It will be considerably simpler to attach a cardiac monitor to a patient in 2023 for an at-home study as opposed to keeping him in the hospital for several days. From the comfort of their workplace, healthcare professionals may quickly view the vital data of their patients who are still at home.

Factoring in Costs for Technology and Security 

The usage of custom software development and Telehealth technology necessitates the installation of monitoring systems, such as firewalls and anti-malware software, to safeguard these systems. You might need to adapt your spending plan to take into account heightened security needs.

It’s reasonable to expect that in 2023, malicious hackers will try to access your data and steal private patient information that you must maintain secure to abide by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. In order to ensure that you are taking the proper steps to secure your network and uphold patient privacy, you might need to speak with computer security experts.

Improved Patient Engagement with Online Services Like Portals

Your patients are getting used to interacting with businesses, their jobs, and their schools via smartphones, laptops, and tablets in addition to desktop computers. It seems reasonable that they would want to interact similarly with your business and your medical staff.

More consumers will start using patient portals linked to their doctor’s EHR system in 2023, which is a growing trend.

The app development services enable a patient to connect to your system and do actions like, for example, requesting an appointment or a prescription renewal or leaving a message for the doctor, far more quickly than having to wait on the phone to complete such chores. Patients will find it more convenient, and staff members will have more time.

Symptom Checker Chatbots

Chatbots are computer programs with artificial intelligence (AI) support (often not true AI, but powerful algorithms) that engage in meaningful conversations that resemble those between humans using voice, text, or option-based input.

Every area, including healthcare services and medical consultancy, is seeing a rise in their use. These solutions, which are available around the clock online or via mobile devices, can provide preliminary medical diagnoses and health advice based on input and complaints from a patient. For hospitals and clinics, chatbots can also be connected with unique patient portals.

When human medical assistants are not available for any reason, they can assist patients with their health issues and worries, even in acute situations (such as disaster-induced overloads of call centers, peak or non-operation hours, etc.) 

These chatbots can aid patients in determining their next actions and motivate them to seek professional medical advice when necessary. Care must be exercised, though, since they may result in inaccurate self-diagnosis and disinformation. Everybody has been there.

Get in touch with a top website development company for a free consultation related to healthcare services and if you want to add a chatbot solution to your patient portal or healthcare website.

Internet of Medical Things (IOMT)

Even though the IoMT will not be a novel concept by 2023, this industry will see exponential growth. Every one of the several digital health developments in this sector has great applications for healthcare professionals and has the potential to save billions of dollars.

IoMT solutions are offered by a variety of businesses, such as DianApps, which can assist you in designing and fine-tuning your IoMT system with the use of sophisticated custom software development services.

Social Determinants of Health Gain Value

Healthcare systems primarily concentrate on elements within their area of expertise: quality and price of medical services, while generating risk assessments and accumulating illness data. However, they simply represent the very beginning. Before patients feel symptoms and seek the help of physicians, a host of other less obvious circumstances have an impact on them.

Initial health problems are caused by factors other than a lack of care. Their origins are deeper; they are found in social, environmental, and demographic contexts that are rarely taken into account in the context of conventional clinical diagnoses.

Medical institutions mostly handle symptoms and offer advice on modifying one’s lifestyle, with only a 10%–20% impact on treatment outcomes. At the same time, 80%–90% of health outcomes are predetermined by non-medical variables. The term “social determinants of health” refers to these elements (SDOH).

Healthcare professionals will approach SDOH in 2023 with more care than ever before and begin to thoroughly assess patients’ medical histories, taking into account elements that were neglected in past years.

Overcoming Mental Health Challenges with Telepsychiatry 

In 2023, there will be a wide range of issues impacting mental health and posing fresh difficulties for healthcare workers. Telepsychiatry, a relatively emerging specialty in psychiatry and mental health care, has been stimulated by COVID-related restrictions.

With the COVID-19 outbreak, many people are currently experiencing a period of psychological destruction, which is reflected in clinical statistics. According to recent data (October 2021), over 30% of American adults report symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder, whereas previous surveys suggested that the same indicator was less than 10% in 2019. This branch of medicine has a broad horizon for website development services. 

Also, Read: Proven ways to enhance your healthcare app UX for better patient experience.

How Can DianApps Help You in Custom Healthcare Software Development?

We are the top provider of award-winning healthcare app development services to both new and established healthcare organizations. Our team of telehealth app developers specializes in providing the healthcare industry with tech-powered digital solutions, ranging from simple clinic administration systems to sophisticated diagnostic and treatment applications. 

Our healthcare services range from consultancy, app deployment, and app security, to mPrescription, lifestyle tracking, and telehealth records, we manage and provide all the solutions carefully. 



Over to You

The condition of custom software development and technology won’t remain static for very long, that much is certain. There is always room for innovation. To keep your staff ready, the secret is to keep up with healthcare technology advancements.

Keeping up with developments that might have an impact on your ability to serve patients and your bottom line is sometimes difficult. Get in touch with us for additional information on trends and website development services in the telehealth sector to stay up to date.


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