WordPress Web Development Trends to Watch Out For in 2024

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WordPress Web Development Trends to Watch Out For in 2024

If you are a WordPress developer looking to expand your knowledge and skillset by knowing the latest wavering trends in 2024, Congratulations! Because you have hit the jackpot!

With WordPress powering over 40% of all websites, it is now the most widely used content management system accessible.

A Stack Overflow research from 2018 and 2019 found that developers dreaded this platform the most. However, marketers love it for its visually appealing editing tools, page-builder functionality, and other features.

The introduction of an alternative known as “Headless CMS,” which frequently acts as a solution for developers and marketers, has also caused WordPress to modify and advance.

Interestingly, WordPress can still be used as a decoupled system because it’s versatile and open-source. 

What Makes WordPress So Popular For Website Development?

WordPress powers about 70 million e-commerce websites and around 43% of all websites, outperforming other content management systems in this regard. Most of TheeDigital’s clients utilize WordPress for company development, according to a poll conducted among them.

But why do so many organizations that create websites prefer one platform over another?

One content management system that has several benefits is WordPress. Even novice site administrators and business owners can publish blog articles, upload images and videos, and make basic edits because of how user-friendly it is.

With the Gutenberg editor, you can simply change even the user experience and page layout! Additionally, WordPress users have access to a vast library of both free and commercial plugins, which further strengthens the platform’s powerful and fully configurable capabilities.

Top WordPress Trends & Updates Occurring in 2024

1. Know The Latest WordPress Updates 

With WordPress 6.4, several new features were added, including new blocks and a more user-friendly site editor that made it simpler to update WordPress sites even more flexibly without having to change the code.

  • Site editor update
  • Improved proficiency in writing
  • Global sharing & custom categories for patterns (we like global patterns)
  • Command Palette Update
  • Many features have been improved, including styles, Lightbox, Image Preview, and more.
  • Posts and pages are where annotations go.
  • Hooks in blocks
  • Improved outcomes

WordPress has also been concentrating on making updates for ADA accessibility. The new theme is completely functional, and the most recent build is the most extensive to date.

2. Headless CMS

WordPress is mostly connected to the internet since it is a centralized content management system.

A tiny percentage of consumers or online companies have modified their material for mobile devices, such as smartphones, but as more devices are produced, the user base is beginning to increase.



To take advantage of this new market, it is crucial to provide content that is compatible with those devices, but creating content for a monolithic system is challenging. Thus, the Headless CMS was unveiled.

A headless content management system (CMS) separates content from the platform it is rendered on, such as mobile phones, billboards, smart watches, etc.

When content is separated from the front end, it becomes easier to update and reorganize rather than having to search through code files to find the right place to make a certain change.

Because most stacks use the HTTP protocol, developers can design an API that can send their content through any desired stack, such as React, Svelte, Flutter, Vue, etc.

If you want to build a WordPress website with the Flutter framework, read this guide

Developers don’t need to think about understanding stacks like PHP development services to create functionality.

With the growth of Headless CMSes, we anticipate that WordPress will fully change into a Headless CMS, bridging the gap between developers and marketers.

3. WordPress 6.1

The new WordPress 6.1, which was launched in 2022, has a ton of incredible features and enhancements. I’ll only touch on a few of the numerous changes.

Among these characteristics are:

  1. WordPress allows you to alter, view, and navigate a website’s structure. You now have more control over your pages and posts with the latest update. The search and replace tool allows you to make changes to your headers and footers.
  2. One of the most significant improvements added to WordPress 6.1 is Fluid Typography.
  3. With WordPress 6.1, your webpage and its fonts may adjust to fit the screen size when it is resized or enlarged. The CSS functions calc/camp were utilized in its implementation.
  4. When content-lock editing is turned on, users may make changes to a block, template, or pattern without affecting the design or aesthetic. With this locking mechanism, you may make changes to the text and image-only content blocks without altering the general structure of the template.
  5. Block Types Improvements: It is anticipated that additional enhancements will be made to the Block types capabilities following the inclusion of Gutenberg versions into WordPress core.

Among these are a few of these:

  • Border Support for the Columns block has been added.
  • Border Regulators for Picture Blocks
  • Remarks Block Enhancements
  • Modifications to the Post Terms Block for Custom Taxonomy Terms
  • Horizontal and vertical spacing in the Gallery block
  • A new parents filter for the Query block
  • Font family controls in the Heading block
  • Featured images in the Cover block

6. When content-lock editing is turned on, users may make changes to a block, template, or pattern without affecting the design or aesthetic. With this locking mechanism, you may make changes to the text and image-only content blocks without altering the general structure of the template.


7. It is anticipated that additional enhancements will be made to the Block types capabilities following the inclusion of Gutenberg versions into WordPress core.

Among these are a few of these:

  • Border Support for the Columns block has been added.
  • Border Regulators for Picture Blocks
  • Remarks Block Enhancements
  • Modifications to the Post Terms Block for Custom Taxonomy Terms
  • One-click locking within the container block
  • Enhanced list block support for pseudo-elements in block themes
  • A new parents filter for the query block
  • Font family controls in the heading block
  • Horizontal and vertical spacing in the gallery block
  • Featured images in the cover block
  • Appearance tools for post-navigation links

8. A few changes makes the new block editor to improve the site editing process.

To make adding templates to your website easier, improvements like the use of template component variation. With just a few clicks, users can now quickly explore many versions of a template part, streamlining and expediting the editing process.


The latest changes allow you to see the margins and padding as you move your elements around, which will help you determine how much space to put both within and outside of an element. With the top website development company like DianApps, you can easily integrate and experience the latest trends in website development. 

The date-time picker, sidebars, and time-to-read contents have all undergone additional upgrades, including the addition of word counts.

4. WordPress VIP

The premium edition of WordPress, known as WordPress VIP  addresses the evolving demands of very big businesses.

In comparison to normal WordPress, premium customers are given higher precedence in this instance.

It provides:

  • Tools for full network administration.
  • Both performance and scale capacities.
  • A cloud platform that is secured.
  • An emphasis on global security.
  • Excellent support.

5. Voice Search

With the popularity of Siri and Google Assistant, voice search is starting to become a commonplace feature in our daily lives.

You may use voice commands to do searches using this function instead of using a keyboard.

More than 60,000 different plugins are available in WordPress’ plugin directory, and you may use these to give your own WordPress website search capabilities.

6. Parallax Scrolling

A webpage that uses parallax scrolling has its background and foreground moving at various rates.

This method has been around for a long and, when included in your website, may enhance user experience and enhance website interactivity.

7. Dark Mode In UI

Every day, more people are using the dark mode.

If given the choice, 8 out of 10 consumers would choose Dark Mode for their UI, according to research.

Dark mode does reduce eye strain and enhance sight in low light conditions. This is something to keep in mind while creating user interfaces.

With WordPress plugins, you may quickly change the theme of your website to dark, which will help your visitors by decreasing eye strain. This approach aligns with the website design preference of the majority.

8. Drag and Drop Page Builder

While drag-and-drop page builders enable novice computer users to construct websites without knowing how to code, nothing beats the customization and usefulness of a website created by a professional.

It’s easy for busy business owners to see why drag-and-drop solutions are appealing.

Drag-and-drop WordPress plugins like Divi and Elementor are widely used.

9. Backgrounds for Videos

Utilizing video headers on websites is not a novel concept. The use of video headers and backgrounds is common and will continue to grow in 2024.

Your website’s capacity to maintain visitors’ interest will rise if you include visually appealing images and videos. Video headers also boost user engagement.

10. Chatbot integration

The newest technology in customer service is chatbots.

Although website developers are typically the ones who answer questions and help customers or visitors solve problems, one significant drawback is their limited working hours.

As a result, the importance of chatbots makes it clear because they are always accessible on websites, guaranteeing what users want.

You should be aware of this growth as a business owner and have a chatbot built for your WordPress website.

Want your website WordPress ready? Hire DianApps web developers!

That’s A Wrap

As you update or create WordPress websites, keep in mind the trends for WordPress web development in 2024.

To include these modern ideas into your website, you can also engage with a custom website development company and hire WordPress developers.


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