How Smart Wearables are Rapidly Becoming a Part of Everyday Life


How Smart Wearables are Rapidly Becoming a Part of Everyday Life

We live in a smart world. Right from the invention of mobile applications to track our day-to-day activities to listening to songs via Bluetooth headphones, we have entered a new era, An Era of Wearables.

The invention of Wearable technology has formulated standalone devices to measure your daily tasks, calculate time, track calories, track sleep hours, and much more. These come in several shapes and sizes, which we humans wear daily to make our lives much better.

None of us imagined what technology would look like 15 years ago. Neither did anyone imagined wearing a device powered by sensors that track body movement. And then, Microsoft SPOT (Smart Personal Object Technology) was launched in 2004 that sparked the rise of disruptive discoveries in the world of wearables.

Here we will discuss the vast realm of opportunities that Smart Wearable Devices will offer to mankind. Also, let’s understand why our world is in constant need of this technology. If you are a newbie to the ever-evolving world of Wearables and want to match up with the speed of wearable inventions, we’ve accumulated every bit of information for you.

Understanding Wearables:

Look around you!

Right from fitness tracking tools & unconventional smartwatches, to AR/VR headsets, We use wearable technology every day. These standalone self devices use intelligent sensors to track humans and their actions. These wearable devices connect automatically to your smartphone via Bluetooth, WiFi, and mobile connections. Thus, allowing humans to monitor their heart rate, sleeping patterns, calories burnt, improve fitness, and much more.

In other words, you can now get real-time data with these sensor devices on your smartphone in no time.

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom – Socrates”, stands true for this embedded sensor technology and its use.

Everyone is stepping on the trend of the wearable bandwagon either for personal use or as a style statement. Let’s have a look at what is the psychology behind this sensor technology.

The Psychology behind Wearable Tech

Why does everyone indulge in these self quantified sensor devices? What criteria do these Wearable tech companies follow to amp up the sales of these devices? This section will take you through some facts that will cover the deeper reality of why everyone is walking with that smartwatch.

The psychology behind the use of these tracking devices is equally important as the technology used in them. The factor that contributes to the success of this technology is real-time data. Data is essential for humans to improve themselves.

Say for Smartwatches and Fitness trackers. What data do they share?
These devices use varied methods like use accelerometers, altimeters, and algorithms to track how much you walk and burn daily. This real-time data boosts individual motivation levels and encourages us to do better each day.

Activity measurement and spontaneous motivation are the criteria these devices work on.

Lord Kevin Said, “If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.”
So you need data to measure what you are doing and constant motivation to even do better. From supporting a healthy lifestyle to constantly motivating you to work on yourself, wearable technology causes a phycological shift to which users connect to.

Type of Wearable Technologies available in the Market

Health and Fitness Trackers: A gamut of Brands like Samsung, Nike, Apple, Fitbit, Xiaomi, etc., have launched a series of fitness trackers and bands over a while. These devices are worn on hand wrists to track movement and daily activities. Real-time data and additional information related to heart rate, sleep patterns, blood glucose levels, etc., allow users to work on their health and improve it over time. It makes your fitness journey exciting and reinforces motivation for a better you.



Head Mount Virtual Reality Display Accessory: Wearable Accessory Development in the Gaming industry has exceeded expectations. VR Headsets like the Playstation VR, Oculus Rift, & HTC Vive have taken gaming experiences to an all-new level. Users get transported to a virtual world that feels real, the moment they put their headset on. Connected to a PC or a gaming console to teleport gamers to a virtual world like no other.

Haptic Suits: Similar to VR Headsets, Haptic Suit is yet another wearable invention. Haptic suits, Gloves, or vests make gaming much more realistic. Gamers after wearing these wearables can feel immediate feedback in their body after their actions in the virtual world. Yes, Haptic wearables offer immersive experiences like none other.



AR Glasses: Another cutting-edge technology is the Augmented Reality Glasses and Headsets that present information just in front of our sight. Examples are Microsoft Holen Headsets, SOLOS Glass, Eyesight Raptor for Cyclist, Vuzix Blade AR, Snap Spectacles 3, etc. Imagine crossing a road, and you can have a look at restaurant recommendations, directions to a place, and much more on your AR glasses.




Fashion Wearable: Wearable Technology has invaded the fashion industry and enthusiasts with smart jackets to adjust according to the body temperature, smart rings to update for notifications, Numetrex vests to analyze your heart rate & alerting you if something goes wrong.

The Need for Wearable Technology in our daily lives:

These hands-free devices help individuals to evolve in all facets of their lives. It offers daily assistance, fitness, or merely adds style to one’s life. Let’s have a look at how different sectors and individuals can use sensor technology to make a change in their lives.

Wearable for Professionals

These smart devices are changing how professionals work in their daily work life. Speaking of Smart glasses, these allow working professionals to work seamlessly. They make sure that there are no roadblocks for a particular task and also ensure smooth working. Wristbands and fitness trackers allow employees to take mindful breaks when work pressure increases. Noise cancellation Bluetooth headphones allow one to work in a calm environment.

Wearables for the Healthcare Industry

Wearable designed for taking care of one’s health and wellness allows individuals to monitor various body functions. It encourages users to move their bodies during regular intervals and stay fit. It’s easier for people to track their heart rate, blood glucose levels, body temperature, blood pressure, and other health factors at the comfort of their homes.

The onset of the Covid 19 Pandemic made people more conscious about their health. People worldwide invested in smartwatches, fitness trackers, and wristbands to understand body movements and other health factors. Prevention of diseases and health maintenance is easy with Wearables. Wearables have helped many patients to be safe at their homes and monitor their health during the pandemic.

Wearables for research and new product development

Wearable stores customer data which is extremely important for businesses to formulate their strategies. This data helps businesses to undergo proper research about customer wants, lifestyle, health, preferences, etc., and then design their products. Customer patterns allow brands to design user-friendly products and fight competition.

Final Words

Considering the onset of the Covid 19 worldwide pandemic, the global spending for wearable devices has seen exponential growth.
Below are some figures according to the latest reports on worldwide user spending:

Worldwide Wearable Devices End-User Spending by Type, 2019-2022 (Millions of Dollars)

Device Type 2019 2020 2021 2022
Smartwatch 18,501 21,758 25,827 31,337
Wristband 5,101 4,987 4,906 4,477
Ear-worn 14,583 32,724 39,220 44,160
Head-mounted display 2,777 3,414 4,054 4,573
Smart clothing 1,333 1,411 1,529 2,160
Smart patches 3,900 4,690 5,963 7,150
Total 46,194 68,985 81,499 93,858

This modern technology is now a part of our daily lives and no longer a vision of the future. Such great technology has definitely helped people evolve and make much smarter decisions to transform their health, productivity, fitness, and lives.

So the question for you is: Do you want to work smarter or simply harder? Think about it and let us know what do you think about the evolution of smart wearable technology and devices.


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