How to Hire a Dedicated Software Development Team?

Dedicated Software Development

How to Hire a Dedicated Software Development Team?

The software development industry is rising above and beyond with the impeccable advancements in technology. And to no surprise, every business irrespective of the size is now turning towards digital transition by having a website or software of their own. However, there are a lot of technicalities involved in the development process which requires the assistance of experts. 

There comes in the software development geeks! 

Dedicated Software Development

A dedicated development team is a type of external software development where a company hires a team to work only on its business projects. Unlike regular outsourcing, this team acts as an addition to the company, working closely with the internal team and being managed by the company itself.

Talking about the hiring process and the benefits of dedicated development, there are a few things to consider.

But first things first, let’s talk about the perks that a business can relish after hiring a dedicated software development company.  

Advantages of Hiring a Dedicated Software Development Company

Hiring a Dedicated Software Development

  • Saves money

When businesses hire a dedicated custom software development company from outside their company, they can save money. This approach, called outsourcing, lets them hire skilled developers from anywhere in the world. For companies in the USA or Europe, hiring local developers can cost $100 to $150 per hour. But by choosing equally qualified developers from Eastern Europe, who speak English and work in a competitive environment, businesses can save about $100 per hour. More than 70% of companies globally report saving money by outsourcing. This saved time and money can then be used to find new project partners and secure good investments.

  • Easy to handle

Business owners can either hire a project manager along with their software team or choose to manage the team themselves. They can change the size of the team and control when they work.

Business owners need to stay informed about the development process without getting bogged down by daily tasks. Hiring a project manager helps with this by acting as a mediator, overseeing the team, and updating the owners on progress. This makes the management process clear and efficient, allowing business owners to focus on other important tasks.

  • Focuses on one task or project

A dedicated custom software development company is fully focused on the project, which leads to better results. Because they are so involved, they can quickly adapt to any changes in the project. This type of team is flexible and can easily adjust their plans if project requirements change, the industry shifts, or if there are budget limits.

Also read: All You Need To Know About Custom Software Development

  • Improved teamwork

A dedicated team model creates the best environment for working together because the team gets regular feedback from project managers and the company owner. This model ensures clear communication and smooth processes, helping businesses reach their goals faster and more effectively.

  • Quicker development process

When developers and specialists work full-time on one project, the development process is quicker. Because they are fully focused, they can get more done and achieve better results by the end.

  • Access to expert skills

By choosing a dedicated development team, entrepreneurs can access top- class ertise for their projects from anywhere in the world. If a company needs the best mobile or web app developers who write quality code and have advanced skills, it’s easy to find and hire them.

  • High adaptability

Hiring a dedicated software team is a good way to see how flexible outsourcing can be. With this model, you can manage the team as you like. If you need to add more specialists to the team, just let the contractor know.

  • Quick to scale up

One of the best benefits of a dedicated development team is its flexibility. Customers can choose how many developers they need from the start and can easily add or remove team members as needed.

You may also like to read: How Custom Software Development Can Benefit Your Business?

Signs That You Should Hire Dedicated Development Team

After having a look at the generous benefits, it might be enticing to hire a dedicated team but wait! Certain signs might direct you towards deciding as this model is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Below is the list of situations wherein you can choose to hire or not. 

Signs That You Should Hire:

New Businesses Just Starting Out

If you’re a new startup with plans to grow, consider hiring a dedicated development team. This helps you quickly build a team, save money on hiring, and speed up product development. Your in-house team can focus on business tasks while the extra team handles the development work.

Projects with Unclear Goals

If your idea isn’t fully developed yet and needs a lot of testing and research, a dedicated team is a great choice. They can help you during this discovery phase, which can take months. This way, you can explore and refine your idea without worrying about overspending.

Ongoing Projects

The dedicated team model is great for complex, long-term projects that might grow. For startups that have moved past the early stages and need to expand quickly, hiring a dedicated development team helps. It saves money on hiring and firing, gives access to skilled developers from around the world, and allows for rapid product scaling.

Signs That You Shouldn’t Hire:

Short and Middle-Term Projects

For small projects with specified goals, you don’t need a dedicated development team. If the tasks are well defined, a fixed price model works well for short-term projects, while a Time and Material approach is better for projects of medium length.

Limited Budget and Resources

If your project budget is fixed and you don’t need full-time help from a designer or project manager, a dedicated team model might not be the best choice. Instead, a fixed-price model can deliver the results you need without extra costs.

The Project Scope is Fully Denied

If your project plan is detailed and non-negotiable, you might not need a dedicated development team. For such projects, choose between a fixed-price model or a Time & Material model based on the project’s size.

How to Hire a Software Development Team?

Understand Your Business Needs

Before hiring a dedicated team, clearly define your business needs. This will speed up the hiring and development process. A clear goal helps developers understand what to build and how it will drive your business’s revenue.

Having a detailed project outline shows your potential profits and boosts efficiency. To present your goals and requirements effectively, gather data, technologies, and methods with expert help before hiring developers.

Choose the Right Platform to Hire Developers

Once you know your business goals, the next step is finding reliable developers. Instead of just relying on Google reviews, try these platforms to find a trustworthy development team:

  • GitHub
  • Upwork
  • Clutch
  • Stack Overflow
  • Freelance Platforms

Explore these platforms to match their services with your project needs and narrow down your options to find a reliable team.

Here’s how to find the right developers:

  1. Google Search: Start with Google to find potential teams.
  2. Freelance Platforms: Look for remote freelancers who can work on your project or specific tasks.
  3. Software Development Companies: Find a company that offers full-time development with a dedicated team based on your needs.

Verify Industry Expertise

Now that you know where to find a software development team, the next step is to check their expertise. Ensure that they are skilled in the particular areas you need. Look for their experience with the latest technologies, tools, and programming languages, as this will help create a top-notch product. Review the software company’s website and case studies, or ask individual developers for their portfolios to assess their skills.

Assess Communication Skills

Good communication is crucial for success. When hiring a dedicated team, make it a priority to stay connected with them and their project manager. Regular updates and feedback will keep you involved in the development process, allowing you to make changes and ensure everything is in check.

Evaluate Professional Support

Another important factor is checking the support that dedicated developers or software companies offer. They should be responsive and attentive to your questions and issues throughout the project. You may have chosen the wrong team if they don’t provide the support you need. Make sure the developers are available as agreed through project management platforms.

Consider Security and NDAs

The most important yet often overlooked factor! When you decide to outsource your project, it’s important to have legal contracts to protect your project. Here are three key agreements

  1. Master Services Agreement covers payment terms, conflict resolution, and project ownership. It’s useful if there’s a dispute about who owns the project.
  2. A non-disclosure Agreement keeps your private information safe by legally preventing the team from sharing it.
  3. Statement of Work covers the work to be done, the timeline, and quality standards, ensuring you get what you pay for. 

Review Pricing

The final key factor in outsourcing dedicated developers is pricing. First, set your budget and find out how much hiring a team will cost. Look for companies in countries offering good quality at a moderate price.

Consider these pricing models:

  • Fixed Price: Set cost agreed upfront, good for budget control.
  • Cost-Plus: Pay for actual costs plus a margin for extras.
  • Time and Material: Pay based on time, effort, and materials used.

Choose the best model for your project based on its needs.

Final Words

The business world is evolving, and entrepreneurs with great ideas should consider hiring a dedicated development team for the best results.

Dedicated developers give their full attention to the project. Hiring on your own can be tough, but partnering with an experienced software provider makes it simple and hassle-free.

At DianApps, we’ve specialized in the dedicated team model for years and have built teams for more than hundreds of projects.

Hire a Dedicated Software Development Team Now!

With our experience as a software development service provider, we can say that companies should focus on the above-mentioned factors and key steps before hiring a dedicated development team. Even better, you can get in touch with us for a one-to-one consultation!


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