IT Staff Augmentation: How to Hire Remote Developers

IT Staff Augmentation

IT Staff Augmentation: How to Hire Remote Developers

As business owners, we all find ourselves in a loophole regarding whether or not we should hire a remote app developer. Well, your concerns are valid as there are 26.9 million developers worldwide. Determining which ones are the best is a major time-consuming aspect that we all avoid. 

However, do you know? A lot of mobile app development companies avail the opportunity to hire developers from them, commonly known as IT Staff Augmentation. 

What is Staff Augmentation? It is a powerful outsourcing model that IT companies can leverage to increase agility and respond to the changing needs of the enterprise. Typically, it helps clients use an IT company’s group of employees to fill the gap in their project development for a short period. Therefore, once their job is done, the developers can get back to their workplace. 

If you are reading this, we’re sure you are willing to hire remote developers from a reliable app development company.

DianApps as a leading provider of Staff Augmentation services has provided a thorough guide on how to hire remote developers for your company needs. 

Why Do Companies Use Staff Augmentation?

One of the most prominent searches for staff augmentation on Google is “IT Staff Augmentation near me” or “Team augmentation services in my area”. Companies are painstakingly looking for an ideal team of remote developers to ease their project development process and do some cost-cutting as well. 

  • Do you know? One out of four Startup companies are leveraging IT staff augmentation services and state that it is the future of business development. It’s worth noting that the staff augmentation market currently stands at US $92.5 billion. 
  • A 2022 poll by ManPower Group, found that 76% of employers globally cited difficulties in acquiring the specialized people necessary to satisfy their IT and technology demands, highlighting the importance of staff augmentation. 
  • The IT sector accounts for an astounding 78% of this skill gap in the United States.
  • This lack of IT skills around the globe is not temporary. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that by 2030, the lack of IT professionals might reach an alarming 85 million. This depressing data emphasizes how urgently and critically creative solutions, such as hiring more IT professionals, are needed to close the ever-widening talent gap in the IT sector.
  • It’s possible that working from home can increase your happiness by 20%. Yes, a recent research that was published in Forbes revealed just that! Additionally, there is a strong correlation between job satisfaction and general happiness, so it goes beyond simply feeling good while working in your jammies.
  • According to different research, the mere ability to work remotely occasionally can increase pleasure and productivity by a staggering 24%.

While these are the statistics, look below to find the reasons why you need to hire Staff Augmention today! 

  • Employers may recruit and retain talent without using corporate dollars to build suitable workspaces and technological infrastructure by implementing remote hiring practices. Businesses may save up to $11,000 annually for each remote worker by doing away with office space, furnishings, and other perks.
  • In nations where living expenses are lower, engineers can be found working at relatively modest hourly wages. Partnering with a business that specializes in resources also eliminates extra costs associated with things like vacation coverage, sick days, and pension payments.
  • Skilled developers are in great demand, particularly when a project calls for specialized knowledge or a particular set of skills (like real-world experience with machine learning in finance).
  • Through collaborating with reputable outsourcing providers, businesses may expand their development teams as needed. As a result, you may swiftly bring on more staff members or acquire more resources to handle growing client demands and fulfill deadlines. Because of this adaptability, businesses can quickly adjust as their needs alter.

Some Challenges That Might Occur While Hiring a Remote Developer:

Nothing comes easy, there will be hurdles to overcome to make the finest product in the long run. Therefore, even though you have hired the best mobile app development company, it will not be right to say that they will do their job perfectly. Here are some common challenges that you might encounter:

1. Making and Taking Care of Job Postings

It’s critical to create detailed job descriptions and select the appropriate job boards to employ a skilled remote outsourced developer. You must manage postings often, publish on several platforms, and edit your comments if you want to reach a larger audience. Although it might take a while, doing this procedure correctly is crucial to luring in the greatest talent.

2. Acknowledging Excellence

You will probably receive a lot of inquiries after advertising your requirements for remote developers, and you may become overwhelmed by the variety of alternatives. As a result, choosing reputable developers might be difficult.

Before agreeing to a deal with a developer or remote service provider, thoroughly assess and test the applicant’s broad technical expertise and coding prowess. By doing this, you’ll be able to prevent the possible issue of employing a developer who lacks skill. We’ll go into great detail in our guide on how to find and recruit the top remote software engineers.

3. Language Disparities

When working remotely with experts who do not speak English as their first language, misunderstandings might occur. This is particularly clear for geographically dispersed remote teams. As a result, it is crucial to assess communication abilities right away.

4. Overspending on Costs

You can wind up paying more money if you engage less experienced remote programmers because of mistakes, delays, and other problems that arise throughout the development process. 

By collaborating with an expert IT staff augmentation and tech expert like DianApps, you may prevent overpaying.

Read: How to reduce the cost of app development!

5. Factors To Consider When Hiring An IT Staff Augmentation Partner

The way that different organizations hire remote software engineers might differ. There are a few typical elements you have to take into account, nevertheless. To execute your project, you can require a team of developers or only one with the necessary skill set. It’s a good idea to remember the following rules in both situations:

Recognize Your Development Needs Clearly:

  • To ascertain the specific type of knowledge required, identify the important technologies for your project. Establish a deadline for finishing the assignment as well.  
  • Calculate the approximate number of remote developers (junior, middle, and senior) that will be required to complete your project successfully and on schedule. Take into account elements such as the project’s complexity and the team members’ respective effort distribution.
  • Clearly state what you want from remote work, including the channels of communication, availability, and compatibility with different time zones. This guarantees effective communication and prevents future misunderstandings.
  • To access a larger talent pool, make use of talent tech recruitment services and online platforms that specialize in remote hiring. To determine a candidate’s fit for your project, carefully go over their references, portfolios, and profiles.
  • During remote interviews, pay attention to a candidate’s communication skills, remote job experience, and technological prowess. Make use of virtual meetings or video chats to gauge their level of professionalism and teamwork.
  • What is the most you can afford to spend? Which payment model do you use?

You’ll be in a better position to select remote developers who are not just qualified but also a good match for your team and project if you take the time to follow these procedures.

Pre-Plan the Development Budget

You most likely have a basic idea of how much money you have to work with. But remember that depending on where you go for talent, you’ll get various offers.

First of all, one should be aware that a developer’s level is not always indicated by their pricing. Rather, it frequently mirrors the region’s economic circumstances. For example, the average American spends up to $100 a day, but the average Indian spends little more than $12.

Somewhere in the center is where the magic is to discover the perfect fit. Choosing the most costly developers or those that code only for fun won’t yield the greatest outcomes. The key is to strike a balance so that you can attract qualified applicants at reasonable prices.

Recently, there has been a shift in the pattern of outsourcing developers from India. US businesses have discovered more lucrative markets in Central and Eastern Europe. Developers in these areas have a strong command of the English language, have demonstrated technical proficiency, and charge fair hourly rates—usually between $35 and $45 per hour.

Create a Channel of Communication

In remote development, control and communication pose the most obstacles.

It might be difficult to collaborate on a project when there are time differences and conflicting work schedules. Outline communication and project management tools to prevent any problems. Even in situations where you don’t have direct control over remote development teams, you may guarantee work transparency by utilizing them.

The following is a list of potential tools to assist you in effectively managing your remote workforce and getting the best outcomes:

  • Tools for communication: Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Skype.
  • Tools for collaboration: Basecamp, Trello, Asana, Jira.
  • Tools for storing and sharing files: Dropbox, Confluence.

Steps To Hire A Remote Developer:

  1. Identify project requirements for skills, experience, and language proficiency.
  2. Post job openings on platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, and remote job boards.
  3. Screen candidates through portfolio reviews, resume checks, and coding samples.
  4. Conduct interviews via video call and use online technical assessments.
  5. Choose candidates with proven remote work experience and strong communication skills.
  6. Consider using specialized agencies to assist in the hiring process and background checks.
  7. Clearly outline expectations, work hours, and communication protocols.
  8. Draft a thorough contract and ensure compliance with labor laws and tax regulations.
  9. Establish an effective onboarding process to integrate new hires into the remote team.

How Can I Effectively Manage A Remote Development Team?

To successfully lead a remote development team, create effective channels of communication, and guarantee that all members agree with project objectives and timelines.

Track tasks and projects with Trello or Asana and collaborate in real-time using applications like Slack, Microsoft Teams, or Discord.

Plan team meetings and individual check-ins regularly to promote communication and track advancement. Encourage open communication and openness to foster trust among team members.

Encourage an environment of responsibility by giving developers latitude but clearly outlining expectations for output and performance. Offer the assistance and resources that are required, along with chances for growth and training. Establish thorough documentation procedures to guarantee continuity and knowledge exchange.

To keep a sense of togetherness, promote team bonding through virtual team-building exercises. Last but not least, respect team members’ time zones and provide an inclusive, encouraging work atmosphere to help them maintain a good work-life balance.

The Future of IT Staff Augmentation

Additionally, the augmentation of the IT workforce will not appear as it does now. These are some forecasts and trends for the staffing business that will influence this field.

Specialized personnel

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that, as software development services for artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), robots, and automation continue to grow, there will be a 25% rise in the need for software developers, quality assurance (QA), and testers until 2031. Here’s where specialty employment will flourish.

Identifying experts in the aforementioned technologies as well as cutting-edge fields like blockchain, artificial intelligence, and cybersecurity is the goal of niche staffing. The need for specialized employment is expected to grow as organizations look to remain ahead of the curve and provide cutting-edge solutions, as long as technology keeps developing.

AI-augmented workforce

In 2023, one of the most important developments in the IT staffing sector will be AI-augmented staffing. This is using artificial intelligence (AI) tools like natural language processing and machine learning to speed up the hiring and selection process. 

AI may assist in determining which individuals are most suited for particular IT professions by automating repetitive chores. This will improve candidate-client matching, shorten the hiring process, and increase the efficacy and precision of talent selection. AI is presently used in the hiring process by about 45% of businesses.

Roles that focus on data will become more in demand.

A significant trend in IT staff augmentation will be the increasing need for experts in the management, analysis, and interpretation of business data. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that by 2030, there will be a 35% increase in demand for this position. Companies will want to add data scientists, engineers, architects, and analysts to their internal team, either temporarily or on a project-by-project basis.

More emphasis on inclusion and diversity

Initiatives promoting diversity and inclusion will receive more attention when hiring new IT personnel. Businesses will actively seek out candidates with a variety of backgrounds, cultures, and viewpoints to create diverse teams. 

Naturally, this will also encourage the use of improved technologies to facilitate cooperation and communication. This strategy not only encourages innovation and teamwork but also contributes to addressing the underrepresentation problem in the business.

Managed services 

Providers of IT staff augmentation will diversify into managed services and give clients with end-to-end solutions. Managed services cover anything from software development, cybersecurity, and IT infrastructure management to project or departmental management. 

Companies will contract with outside service providers to handle particular IT tasks like these so they may concentrate on their main business activities. It is anticipated that this pattern will persist as companies look for expert assistance to maximize their IT operations.

Integration of the gig economy

The gig economy will be more widely used by IT staff augmentation, giving businesses access to a flexible workforce. IT specialists looking for project-based or on-demand work define the gig economy. 

In 2023, this industry generated USD 455.2 billion. Businesses may scale engineering teams up or down according to project requirements by utilizing the gig economy, which will save overhead expenses, increase agility, and provide a workforce that is more flexible and dynamic.

Why Hire DianApps IT Staff Augmentation Services?

Having 6 years of industry experience, DianApps understands what it takes to build a business and therefore we prepare a team that perfectly aligns with your project needs. 

Hire Remote Developers to Enhance Your Project Success!

Our mobile app development team is well-versed in all technologies and has a mindset to resolve challenges instantly with their years of experience. Whether you have a food delivery business to make it online or a fashion app to develop, we dedicatedly brainstorm each idea with efficient programming languages, tools, frameworks, and more while ensuring you get the best and trending solutions in a personalized environment. 

How to hire remote developers from DianApps? It’s easy. Simply get in touch with us and let us know the specifics of your project, and we’ll assemble the best remote app developers for you.


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