How Can AI Tools Contribute to Business Growth?

AI Tools Contribute to Business Growth

How Can AI Tools Contribute to Business Growth?

If you’re a business owner and have ever tried to grow it, we’re sure you might already know how hard it can be. Fortunately, doing this now has gotten a lot easier, ever since AI tools have become more popular.

They can help you out every step of the way in growing your business. You might be confused now but keep reading till the end to find out how AI tools can contribute to business growth. We’re going to discuss everything in detail and also mention the tools you can use for assistance in growing your business. 

Which AI Tools Can Contribute To Growing Your Business And How?

Before diving into this section, we want to emphasize that one of the most effective methods for expanding a business is through content. The tools and information we’ll be covering in this section are all geared toward promoting business growth through content.

Let us now mention how AI tools can help you out in growing your business through content and what those tools are. From creating a strategy to improving your marketing content. All the essentials for business growth will be discussed, with relevance to AI of course. 

1. ChatGPT For Crafting Business Growth Through Content Strategy 

ChatGPT is one of the most prominent AI chatbots in the world. It can answer any type of queries and even craft a business growth strategy. All you have to do is ask it to do so.

Many business owners are already leveraging ChatGPT to create strategies. It is time you start doing it too. From what we’ve seen, the strategies it creates are quite effective and fruitful. However, one thing that you should know is that the strategy that ChatGPT generates can vary from business to business.

For example, a business that specializes in creating skincare products might get a different growth strategy from ChatGPT as compared to one that specializes in making plastic chairs. Therefore, it is important that you specify what your business is while asking the tool to create a growth strategy for you.

To provide you with a demonstration of this point, we asked ChatGPT to craft business growth through content strategy for a skincare company. Here’s what we got.

We’re pretty sure if someone follows this content strategy, their skincare business will grow. 

2. Copy.AI For Creating Marketing Content

Since the strategy created by ChatGPT for growing a business revolves around content, it’s safe to say that you’re going to have to create high-quality marketing content for growth. It mentions that different types of marketing content can be used on different channels. i.e., Blogs and social media. 

Creating marketing content for each channel will drive more potential customers and grow your business in the long run. However, it is worth noting that each marketing channel requires you to create a different type of marketing content. But you needn’t worry as you can craft any type of marketing content for your business by using It is a writing assistant that utilizes AI to create any type of informative and marketing content for users.

Two of the best things about this tool are that it personalizes the content based on your business and it offers different pre-made prompts for users, so they don’t have to write one themselves.

To demonstrate, here’s creating a marketing blog post for a recycled bottle manufacturer. 

3. For Optimizing Marketing Content

Simply creating marketing content isn’t enough. For it to fulfill its purpose of making your business grow, you have to optimize it. Once optimized, there are chances that it will make your business website rank higher among SERPs, leading to increased traffic.

There are multiple things that you have to do to optimize your marketing content. We’re mentioning these things below.

  • Improve your content’s readability 
  • Keep it to the point.
  • Ensure it doesn’t have any sort of complexity. 

Fortunately,, with its advanced paraphrasing abilities can do all these things to your content and you don’t have to waste time doing them manually. If you haven’t already figured this out, the things we just mentioned actually help the reader understand and go through your marketing content easily. Search engines take this into consideration when they’re about to rank a website. 

That said, here’s a screenshot of optimizing the blog post we created with 

4. Microsoft Copilot For Visuals

A piece of marketing content is incomplete without visuals. They are added to attract readers and retain their attention. Plus, visuals like infographics add more information to the marketing content. If alt tags are added with them, visuals can also help search engines understand what the content is about, leading them to rank the website higher. This can be a cause for increased traffic for your business, leading to its growth.

That said, it is important that you add visuals to your business’s website and its content if you want it to look appealing. One thing that you should always remember is that the visuals you’re adding should be relevant to your business or the content.

Finding relevant visuals was a tricky task but now, fortunately, you’ve got Microsoft Copilot. Using it, you won’t have to find visuals. It can create them from scratch for you. For it to do so, you just have to provide it with a prompt, like ChatGPT.

To provide you with an example, we’re going to create an image while keeping the marketing content we created earlier using in mind. The first heading of the content puts emphasis on the word “Planet”. Therefore, it’s safe to say that adding a picture of a planet under the heading would be nice. 

Here’s Microsoft Copilot creating one for us that we can then add to the marketing content.

5. Grammarcheck.AI For Reviewing The Marketing Content

The last thing that you have to do for your marketing and website content to fulfill its purpose is you have to review it for mistakes. Some of the common mistakes that can get overlooked while writing are as follows:

  • Typos.
  • Punctuation errors.
  • Irregular sentence structures. 

A piece of marketing content can be reviewed for these mistakes quickly and easily by using an AI tool like It highlights if any of these mistakes are present in the content and also provides suggestions on how you can fix them, leading to perfect marketing content pieces that can convince readers to take action and improve conversions. 

Perfect marketing content pieces are key to business growth. So, it’s always recommended that you review and fix these issues.

For demonstration purposes, here’s a screenshot of reviewing the same content that we created from 

After all this is done and your content is perfect to be used, you can simply start pushing it on the channel you made it for. Over time, with enough marketing content of yours on different channels, we’re confident that your business will see more traffic and growth. This is how Best AI tools can significantly contribute to growing your business through content. 

Final Words

AI tools can be of great help when you’re looking to grow your business. There are many ways to grow a company and the most significant one is through content. In this post, we have discussed how you can create a marketing strategy and content for it with the help of AI tools. We’ve also mentioned which tools to use so you don’t have to look for them on your own.


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